Food Health Recipes

Health: Matcha Tea Can be Super Healthy

Date: August 17, 2015      Publication: Daily Health News


You know green tea is really good for you. Its antioxidant compounds show up in studies as protective against heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, obesity and more. But you’re probably not going to start drinking four or more cups every day—even 10 cups a day in some studies—like many Chinese and Japanese people do.

The models at Fashion Week in New York City had a solution. Backstage, for energy and Zen balance, they sipped little shots of matcha green tea, a specific kind that contains unusually high levels of antioxidants. There’s also matcha tea powder that has become today’s “it” ingredient in everything from smoothies to latte to fruit pops to very, very green muffins. Matcha, it seems, is suddenly and literally on everyone’s lips.

Does it deserve the hype? There’s no question that it can be a very healthy beverage or even recipe ingredient. But now that it’s a fad, and everyone’s getting into the act, be careful about matcha products that are unhealthy—or even unsafe…because they are contaminated with heavy metals. So it pays to be matcha savvy. Here’s what you need to know to safely benefit from this unique form of green tea.


For matcha, concentration is the name of the game. It’s made from green tea, so it contains the powerful antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), responsible for many of green tea’s health benefits, as well as the amino acid L-theanine, which has antianxiety properties (more about that in a moment).

It has about three times as much EGCG as standard brewed green tea, according to some estimates. It also has about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

How does matcha deliver this bioactive bounty? It’s a combination of how it’s grown and how it’s prepared. Unlike with other varieties, a few weeks before harvest, the plant is covered from the sun, which causes it to produce more EGCG and L-theanine. Another unusual step: After harvest, the leaves are ground into a fine powder. And matcha is also prepared differently. When you drink matcha, you’re actually drinking a “suspension” of ground leaves infused in water, rather than a typical brew where leaves are steeped and then removed from the cup or pot. Hence, you are actually consuming the leaves and, along with them, more green tea compounds.

The L-theanine may be responsible for one of matcha’s coveted benefits—a pleasant sense that users say it brings that may be described as “alert calmness.” Credit caffeine for the alertness, of course. L-theanine, on the other hand, has been shown in studies to reduce anxiety.


Matcha has long been appreciated in the East. In Japan it forms part of the traditional tea ceremony and is the most revered form of tea. Because matcha involves consuming the entire tea leaf, however, the origin of any matcha powder you consume is extremely important for your safety. Here’s what you need to know…

• Tea plants grown in soil that is contaminated with lead will absorb it into the leaves, and, because you are consuming the entire leaf, more lead may wind up in your cup. In one study from the research organization ConsumerLab, tea grown in China had high lead concentrations.

• Your best bet: Stick to matcha teas grown in Japan, and look for brands that report consistent testing for the presence of heavy metals. In the ConsumerLab’s study, for example, the one tea tested that came from Japan, Teavana, had no detectable lead.

• The highest-quality matcha comes from the southern regions of Japan—Kyushu, Nishio, Shizuoka and Uji.

• Good-quality matcha is bright, vivid green and will have a find powdery consistency—anything yellowish or coarse is not likely to taste very good.

• Expect to pay about $26 to $32 for a standard 30-gram tin (about an ounce). Anything cheaper is not likely to have good flavor.

• One cup of matcha calls for about one gram of dry powder, so a 30-gram tin should give you a cup of matcha tea every day for a month. (You can get a special measuring spoon from a matcha supplier, along with a whisk to prepare the tea in a bowl.)

• Now that matcha has become popular in the US, some prepared versions may have plenty of added sugar. Skip them, and make the real thing yourself.

• Ready to try it? Here’s a quick video tutorial from Kenko Tea, an Australian brand that gets its matcha from the Nishio region of Japan and ships worldwide. Other reputable brands include DoMatcha, and MidoriSpring.

So go ahead, enjoy your own tea ceremony. Matcha has a grassy, slightly bitter flavor…some people compare it to that of kale or spinach. You can try it the traditional way or experiment with adding the powder to recipes. Just remember that tossing matcha into your 1,000-calorie ice cream milkshake doesn’t suddenly turn it into a health drink!

Food Health

Health: Dangers of sugar

This info from

See: Dr. Robert Lustig Videos:
Sugar: the Bitter Truth
Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0
60 Minutes

1980:  Childhood Type 2 diabetes:  0 cases.
2010:  57,600+ cases

1977, Because of McGovern Report, food industry started taking fat out of foods, and replacing it with sugar.  Between 1977 and 2010, average consumption of sugar by Americans doubled.

Ignore calories in/calories out prescription.  It’s not about exercise.  It’s about too much processed sugar in.

AHA daily allowance of added sugar:  6-9 tsp.  (4 grams per tsp).  36 grams max. a day.

Food addiction is real, not a metaphor.  People’s responsibility doesn’t work in the face of addiction.  Don’t have addictive food in the house.

WHO TRS-916.  Sugar is the major, if not the cause of chronic metabolic disease and obesity.  No more than 10% of daily should come from sugar. USA extorted WHO to stop publication of report. 4 calories in one gram of sugar.  4×36 = 144 calories.  10% of 1,500 calories = 150 calories.

Simple carbs (e.g. white bread, white rice, processed cereal) act the same as sugar in the body.

One can be metabolically obese and normal weight, and in danger of heart disease, diabetes, etc.  Tofi = Thin on outside, fat inside.  DEXA scan = measures internal body fat.  Belly fat is the dangerous fat.  40% of normal weight have metabolic disease.

Insulin coverts sugar to fat storage.




My reviews Restaurants

Review: Yama Sushi and Izakaya

For my birthday dinner, Xue and I went to Yama Sushi on SE Clinton.  I started with Yoshi Dry Sake:


The friendly waitress says the liquid in the box is sake (not water), and after the glass is finished; it can be poured into the glass, or drank out of the box.  Nice.

The Chirashi entree is quite filling.  A lot of varied seafood packed into this delicious box.  Especially good was the large and unctuous salmon eggs, plus uni that can be mixed with the underlying rice using chopsticks.


For dessert, unfortunately, the anticipated Coffee Gilee was out. The waitress explained that the chef makes it on on Saturday, and it often runs out by Friday. She recommended the Strawberry Panna Cotta instead if we wanted a light dessert to suit the hot weather;  saying that it is lighter than the Italian version, and the housemade strawberry sauce is mixed with balsamic vinegar to tone down the sweetness. Mix the three layers together for the best taste, she suggested.  Excellent recommendation.


Xue had the Nikumiso (spicy ground pork) ramen, and rainbow roll (mango, avocado, and spicy tuna) which she enjoyed (sorry no photos).