Food Recipes

Recipe: Poached Egg in Microwave


  • 1 egg
  • ⅓ cup water
  • ¼ teaspoon white vinegar (optional)


Fill microwave-safe mug or small bowl with 1/3 cup water and a half a capful of vinegar. The vinegar is optional, but it will help the egg coalesce a bit better.

Gently crack an egg into the mug or bowl, making sure it’s covered in water. Be sure to prick the egg yolk with a sharp knife or toothpick to prevent any explosions.

Cover your mug or bowl with a small microwave-safe plate and microwave on high for 35 seconds. Note: 35 seconds is for a high wattage microwave, one large, fresh egg and 1/3 cup water. The time will vary depending on above factors. Experiment with your materials. The egg white should be set but the yolk still runny. If the egg white is still runny, keep microwaving in 10 second increments until you’re satisfied with the level of doneness.

Remove the egg from the water with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a plate. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Enjoy on toast, on a salad, or deliciously on its own.

Poached egg with salt and pepper